Call for JNS-CAN Joint Symposium
We are pleased to announce that the Japan Neuroscience Society (JNS) and the Canadian Association for Neuroscience (CAN) will hold a joint symposium at the 44th Annual Meeting of the JNS.
Proposals for the joint JNS-CAN symposium are now solicited from JNS members.
Similarly, the CAN invites CAN members to submit proposals for a joint CAN-JNS symposium at the 14th Canadian Neuroscience Meeting at Vancouver, August 22-25, 2021.
1. Symposium proposals submission guidelines
- The selection criteria are in accordance with the JNS symposium.
- The duration of a symposium should be 120 minutes (tentative) with about 4 speakers (e.g. two JNS members & two CAN members). Presentations and discussions are to be held in English.
- The main organizer must be a regular or junior member of the JNS. A co-organizer may be added to co-chair the session; however, it will be the main organizer’s responsibility to plan, schedule, and moderate the session.
- Organizers should personally obtain consent from all the speakers of their symposia before they submit their proposals. Please be sure to inform the potential speakers that the holding of the symposium is not fixed until the proposal is accepted. Please also note that, at the time of acceptance, there should be no overlap of symposium speakers between the CAN annual meeting and the JNS meeting.
- Registration fees for the annual meeting will be waived for speakers who are not members of the JNS.
- We plan to support part of the cost for inviting CAN members (up to 1500 CAD travel expenses and 3 night-accommodation in Kobe per speaker for a maximum of 2).
- The Program Committee may ask the organizers to combine their symposium with a similar symposium proposal, rearrange speakers, change the titles, or incorporate an oral presentation into their symposium.
- One can submit one abstract to present as a first author. Speakers of a symposium cannot present in other symposia or oral/poster sessions. Organizers should convey this policy to the speakers when they ask for their consent to speak in their symposia.
- Acceptance/non-acceptance of the proposals (including combined proposals) will be announced in late November 2020 (tentative) after the Program Committee’s review. The main organizers of the accepted symposia should then responsibly request all speakers to submit their abstracts (in English) during the period of call for papers.
2. How to submit your proposal
Please submit your proposal including the information below to the meeting secretariat via email (
Deadline: 12:00PM (JST), November 18, 2020
- Symposium Title
- Information about the main organizer (a regular or junior member of the JNS only): name, affiliation, membership number, and contact information (email address and phone number)
- Information about the co-organizer (if applicable): name, affiliation, and contact information (email address and phone number)
- Aim and synopsis (approximately 400 characters)
- Information about each speaker: name, affiliation, email address, the JNS membership number (if applicable), and phone number
Abstract title of each speaker (tentative titles may do)
Key publications of each speaker (1 to 2 papers per speaker)
- Keywords for the symposium (5 words)
- Request to co-organize the symposium with Grant-in-Aid for Scientific Research on Innovative Areas or for Transformative Research Areas
- Special Notes (within 400 characters)
Please describe your intended contribution to this meeting, or relevance to clinical practices if applicable.
For questions on the open call for a symposium, please contact the Secretariat of the 44th Annual Meeting of the Japan Neuroscience Society at
Neuroscience 2021 Secretariat
6th floor, Shin-Osaka Grand Bldg., 2-14-14, Miyahara, Yodogawa-ku, Osaka,
532-0003, JAPAN (c/o A & E Planning, Co., Ltd.)
Phone: +81-6-6350-7163